Where are all of the website main control options located?
These are located on the main home page (under Website Settings) and also on the left side menu under:
System Settings > Company Settings
You will need special user rights setup by the owner or manager to access company settings.
How do I edit my Meta tags and keywords?
Click on the “Home Page Management” icon on the Home Page. Click on “SEO” at the top of the screen.
How do I manage my website content pages?
Click on the “Website Settings” tab on Left hand menu. Then click on “View all Content”. All the existing content pages will come up and you can edit each one or set up new ones.
How do I view all items/products on my website?
Click on “View All Products” on the Home Page. This page allows you to see all items up to 100 at a time and quickly edit or activate items.
How do I update my website home page template?
Click on “Home Page Management” on the Home Page. There you will find many options – in addition to changing your home page template.
How do I setup my home page rotation schedule?
Click on “Home Page Management” on the Home Page. Click on “Rotation Schedule” on the top right of the screen. You can set up dates up to a year in advance for the home page templates to change automatically.
How do I view all my website customers?
There are a couple of ways. To see individual customers, you can click on the “Customers” tab at the top of the Home Page.
To view the entire customer list, click on “Reports” from the Home Page menu and this will open up a new window. Then click on “A/R” on the left side menu and click on “Customers”. There you will find many customer reports that you can edit, print or export.
How do I setup Google Analytics tracking code?
Go to http://www.google.com/analytics/ and sign up for a free account. This is one of the best website tracking programs available and it is free of charge.
Where do I put the tracking code to track website visitors?
Click on “Home Page Management” on the Home Page. On the left side menu:
System Setup > Company Setup > Tracking Code
Can I enter more than one tracking code?
QuickFlora supports just one tracking code, but several users confirm they are using multiple tracking codes and it works just fine.
How do I transfer my domain name?
Fill out the domain name transfer request form and submit that to QuickFlora. Typical transfer time is 48-72 hours if you have the correct username and password and the domain is not locked for any reason. If you don’t have the correct username and password it could take much much longer.
Note: QuickFlora is not responsible for any domain names we do not directly manage. If you forget to renew your domain name, you may lose it to someone else. Make sure your primary domain name is pre-paid for as long as possible if you are managing it yourself.
Make sure the Admin, Billing and Technical contacts listed on your domain name are up-to-date, otherwise, you may not even receive a renewal notice.
If we manage your domain, we automatically renew your domains when they come up for renewal. We charge $25 per domain name / year for this service.
How do I register a new domain name?
Please contact us directly about registering a new domain name. You can have more than one domain name. We charge $25 a year to manage each domain name. You will be listed as the Admin owner and QuickFlora will be listed as the “Technical Contact” on all domains. You own the domain at all times.
What size should my images be for the website?
You can resize your images using a third party resizing program or QuickFlora will resize them for you when you upload the first image. Try not to work with images larger than 1MB each.
How do I activate wire service images?
On the left side menu under “POS Management”:
Requests > Request Copyright Products > Send New Request
You need to have a current wire service account number in order to activate images. This must be approved by the QuickFlora staff before they appear on your website. You must have permission to use the images in each case.
How do I sort items into categories and families on the website?
On the left side menu, click on:
Inventory > Items and Stock > Edit and View Families (or Categories). You can sort items in up to three families or categories currently.
What is the easiest way to update prices for all the website items?
Go to “View all Products” icon from the main menu. You can update prices for up to 100 items at a time. You can also go to the “items” tab at the top of the page and update them one by one.
Can I setup custom web pages for specific clients as sub-domains?
Yes, you can create separate pages for a client such as “Ford Motors” by creating a category in that name and marking it as inactive. The page will only be accessed by employees of Ford Motors that have that specific URL. It will not be visible to any other customers visiting your website.
Ask about our ‘Virtual Retailer” website features for more information on how to set up sub-websites for affiliates and partners.
How do I black out a delivery date or range of dates on the website?
Delivery dates can be blacked out for a number of reasons. Choose the date range you wish and no orders will be allowed for those specific delivery dates in the website. Customers will still be able to enter orders for non-blacked out delivery dates in the future.
System Setup > Company Set Up > Delivery Blackout Dates
How does a third party website drop orders into the POS system?
There are two ways this can be accomplished:
Easy Way:
Just add a button on your existing website called “Buy Now” and link to the QuickFlora “shopping cart”. Customers then submit their order on the QuickFlora cart. This way the credit card is approved by your POS system and the order drops right onto your order page.
Harder Way:
Your webmaster can transmit the order information from the order form on your cart to a secure server, which drops the order into your POS system. This requires some work on the part of your webmaster. We can assist your webmaster with all the details (guidelines) he will need to code this on your end.
The best thing to do is discuss this with your webmaster before he starts building your custom website. Keep in mind we can also create a custom home page or website. Call us for more details for a customer bid.
Keep in mind whatever you webmaster codes for you must be PCI Complaint in terms of encrypting and securing credit card data. Visit https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org for more information.