Note: QuickFlora DOES NOT provide accounting support, only application support. You should have a strong knowledge of double entry accounting procedures before trying to use the GL, AP and Payroll modules. We can provide a list of third party accounting vendors that can help provide accounting set up and support for a hourly fee or you can consult with a local provider.
Modifying the General Ledger / Chart of Accounts
The General Ledger can be easily modified in the system through the use of the “Chart Of Accounts” Screen in the “Ledger” panel in the programs main menu. Look at how some of the GL Accounts are set-up in the system for a good idea about how you should set-up your additional accounts.
General Ledger / Chart of Account Setup
General Ledger posting accounts are set-up in two places, Default GL accounts are set-up in the “Company Set-up” Screen using the “Accounts” tab. Here is where all of the Default AR, AP, Bank and other posting accounts are defined. These accounts are all set-up by default, but they should be reviewed to make sure they meet your posting needs.
Payroll GL Setup in done in the “Payroll Set-up” Screen in the “Account Set-up” tab. These accounts must be set-up before you begin payroll processing.
The system setup checklist has more information about this process and can be found in the “Installation & Getting Started Guide”
General Ledger / Chart of Account Periods Setup
The periods and the period dates are set-up in the “Company Set-up” screen using the “Periods” tab. Please enter your Fiscal year, Fiscal Year Start and End dates, Current Fiscal Period, and Period Start Dates in this Screen before using the software.
General Ledger Posting Guide
All of the posting within the QuickFlora Application is done through the use of stored procedures. The stored procedures are passed accounting documents and are then reviewed by the posting procedures to make sure all of the data necessary is accounted for and then the procedure updates the proper accounts in the system.
Stored procedures within the system are designed to be as autonomous as possible, so the same procedures that are called right after a user enters an order for example can also be used, for example, to post EDI Documents automatically without user intervention.
The QuickFlora supports Multi-currency transactions, so you can see from the code that before a transaction is posted, the currency type is checked and the transaction is converted to the ledge default currency (Per GAAP Rules) before posting to the General Ledger.
Currencies and Multi-Currency Processing
The QuickFlora System supports multi-currency processing. However, in order to receive the full benefit of the multi-currency feature, and to ensure accurate reporting, steps must be taken to setup the system properly. Follow the procedures outlined below to correctly setup and use the multi-currency feature in the QuickFlora system.
1. Confirm the default currency for the company.
The default currency is selected during the company setup process. Therefore, this step will confirm that the proper default currency is selected in the company screen. To do this go into System Setup then Company Setup then click Company Setup again. Select your company from the list and click on the pencil to edit/view the company. Once the Company screen loads, click the Defaults tab at the top of the screen. This will bring up the default settings for this company.
The first line is the Currency ID which determines the default currency for this company. This should already be selected to the native currency that your company does business in. If not, select the proper currency from the drop down list.
If your company/division/department does not need or use the multi-currency feature, then there is nothing more that needs to be done. Otherwise, follow the steps below to setup the system for multi-currency accounting.
2. Determine the GL Account for the Currency Gains and Losses
The QuickFlora system is shipped with default data. Included in the default data is a Chart of Accounts (CoA) which includes a realized and unrealized default GL Account for the Multi-Currency feature. If your company is going to use the default GL account that comes with the system, then you can skip this step and proceed to step 3. If your company is going to use a different GL Account for the Currency Gains and Losses, then setup the new Currency Gain and Loss account at this time. Refer to the user manual under the section titled General Ledger for more information on setting up a new account in the General Ledger.
3. Select the default GL Accounts for the Currency Gains and Losses
In this step, you will select the General Ledger Accounts for the Currency gains and losses. From the Company Setup screen, click the Accounts tab. This will bring up the screen with a list of default accounts for the Company. The GL Currency Gain Loss Account can be found towards the bottom of the list. The default account of 490000 Realized Gains and Losses should already be selected for this account. If this is not the account you want to use, or if you created your own, then select it from the drop down list.
Next, select the GL Currency Unrealized Gain Loss Account. It is located immediately under the GL Currency Gain Loss Account and has 491000 Unrealized Gains & Losses selected as the default account. If this is not the account you want to use, or if you created your own, select it from the drop down list.
When you have finished selecting the default GL Accounts for the Currency Gains and Losses, click OK to exit the Company Accounts screen.
4. Enter the Currencies into the Currencies Table
Now that the accounts have been setup for the currency, the next step is to enter the currency values into the currencies table. You should enter the rates for all of the currencies that your company expects to conduct business in. The QuickFlora system is shipped with a small list of foreign currencies and sample currency exchange data only. To enter additional currencies and the current exchanges, go into the System Setup option from the main menu, then Company Setup. From there, click on the Currencies option and that will bring up the list of currencies entered into the system.
To enter a new currency record, click the New button at the top of the screen. A screen will come up where you can enter the information for a new currency record.
To edit an existing currency record, click the edit button (the pencil) next to the currency record to bring up that currency’s record. From there, you can edit the current exchange of the currency.
Note: The currency exchange rates that are shipped with the system are SAMPLE rates only. They are not accurate nor current and MUST be changed prior to use.
You can manually update the currency exchange rates on a regular basis or as often as your company sees fit.
Note: There is no automated method to update the currency exchange rates. The only way to update them and ensure they are current and accurate is to update them manually.
There are many different ways of obtaining the current currency exchange rates and you should use the method that works best for you. XE.com (http://www.xe.com) is free a website that has the current currency exchange rates in real-time with an automatic refresh of the page every few minutes. You can also sign up for their email subscription service to receive the currency exchange rates daily by email.
Each time the currency exchange rates are changed, the old rate and the date the rate was changed will automatically go into the Currency Rates History Table. If you enter a transaction for an older date, the system will automatically use the rate from the Currency Rates History Table as of the transaction date, even if the date is in the past. For example, if a transaction was entered on March 15, 2004, but the date on the transaction is entered as March 1, 2004, the system will select the currency exchange rate from the Currency History Table as of March 1, 2004.
In any event, the system automatically uses the most current exchange rate as of the transaction date entered in the system.
Note: In following with GAAP Compliancy, currency amounts are set to and converted to the company default currency at the current exchange rate before posting.
5. Setup bank and General Ledger accounts as needed for the currencies
After the current currency exchange rates are entered into the Currencies Table, the next step is to create a separate bank account and a separate General Ledger cash account in the system for each of the currencies that your company deals in. Each of these bank accounts should point to a cash account in the General Ledger.
You would setup the bank accounts in the company setup screen just as you setup all the other bank accounts. Additionally, you would setup the General Ledger Cash accounts just as you setup other General Ledger accounts.
For more information on setting up bank accounts and General Ledger accounts, please refer to the section titled Banking under General Ledger and General Ledger Posting Guide, respectively, in the User Manual.
You have successfully completed setting up the multi-currency feature of the QuickFlora system. The rest of the steps are automatically handled by the system. When entering transactions, be sure to select the proper currency from the Currency ID drop down lists. The system will automatically complete the current exchange rate when the transaction is entered. When the transaction is paid, or cash is received for that transaction, the system will calculate the rate and make the proper posting to the Realized Currency Gain / Loss account in the Chart of Accounts.
Ledger Chart of Accounts
The Chart of Accounts is the heart of any accounting system. It is a list of all the accounts that a company uses to record the transactions within their accounting system.
QuickFlora comes shipped with a default Chart of Accounts suitable for most companies. This default Chart of Accounts can and should be customized to meet your company’s needs by adding or removing accounts during the initial setup process.
The Chart of Accounts in QuickFlora is broken down into six categories. Each category is assigned a number which indicates the “type” of category.
In the Chart of Accounts that ships with the QuickFlora the category numbers are 6-digit numbers with the first digit being the category number. You can customize the account numbers in the Chart of Accounts to use up to 36 digits with the restriction that accounts must begin with the specific category digit as detailed in the table above. This is extremely important to remember when adding new accounts to the Chart of Accounts. For new accounts, the account number must begin with the corresponding digit for that category, but the remaining numbers can be any number you specify.
Adding a New Account
To add a new account to the Chart of Accounts, click the New button at the top of the screen. This will bring up a blank account setup form with four sections. Click on a link for the details about that section.
Main – Used for setting up a new account
Current – automatically populated by the system, used to view the current balances on this account.
Budget – used to enter budget information about this account
History – automatically populated by the system, used to view the history on this account.
Main Section
When setting up a new account, enter the information in the fields as follows.
GL Account Number: Enter the account number for this General Ledger account. Keep in mind that the account number must start with the category number corresponding to the type of account being setup.
GL Account Name: Enter the account name for this GL Account.
GL Account Description: Enter a brief description for this GL Account.
GL Account Use: Enter the specific use for this account if necessary. For example, if an account is going to be a contra-asset account for depreciation, that can be noted in this field. Otherwise, this field can be left blank.
GL Account Type: Select from the drop down list the type of account this is.
GL Balance Type: Select from the drop down list the normal balance type (account type) for this account. This selection must correspond with the first digit of the account number entered in the GL Account Number Field.
GL Other Notes: Enter any notes about this GL Account in this field.
The fields on the Current screen are populated automatically by the system. They display the balances in the account according to each period. The screen can be reviewed for informational purposes, but the fields should not be edited.
If the company is following a budget for this account, the budget amounts by period can be entered in the fields on this screen. This is an optional screen that does not need to be completed if a budget is not being used.
The fields on the History screen are automatically populated by the system. They display the balances in the account in prior periods. The prior period balances for the GL Account can be entered during the initial setup, if the information is available. Otherwise, the fields can be left blank.
Ledger Account Types
The Ledger Account Types screen displays a list of all the types of General Ledger Accounts in the QuickFlora system. This table is used to populate the drop down list for selecting the specific “type” of General Ledger account when creating a new General Ledger account in the Chart of Accounts.
To access the Ledger Account Type screen, click on Setup then General Ledger Setup then Ledger Account Types. The QuickFlora system comes shipped with basic General Ledger account types that are suitable for most businesses. During the Setup and Installation process, and as one of the items on the Setup Checklist, it is recommended that this screen be reviewed to ensure that the Ledger Account types entered meets the way your company does business.
The Ledger Account types can be renamed to match those that your company uses by clicking on the edit button next to the Ledger Account type that you want to rename.
Also, new Ledger Account types can be entered by clicking the New button and entering data in the following fields:
GL Account Type: Enter the name of the General Ledger Account type. For example, if the General Ledger Account type is an Accounts Payable type, then the name would be “Accounts Payable”.
When you are finished, click OK to close the screens.
Ledger Balance Types
The Ledger Balance Types screen displays a list of all the types of balances that a General Ledger account can have. Each General Ledger account in an accounting system has a specific “balance type” that corresponds with the account. The QuickFlora system uses the Ledger Balance Types table to identify a General Ledger account into the proper “accounting category” when processing data within the system.
To access the Ledger Balance Type screen, click on Setup then General Ledger Setup then Ledger Balance Types. The QuickFlora system comes shipped with basic General Ledger balance types that are suitable for most businesses. During the Setup and Installation process, and as one of the items on the Setup Checklist, it is recommended that this screen be reviewed to ensure that the Ledger Balance types entered meets the way your company does business.
The Ledger Balance types can be renamed to match those that your company uses by clicking on the edit button next to the balance type that you want to rename.
Also, new Ledger Balance types can be entered by clicking the New button and entering data in the following fields:
GL Balance Type: Enter the ID of the General Ledger Balance type. For example, if the General Ledger Balance type is an asset balance, the ID would be “Asset”.
GL Balance Type Description: Enter the description of the General Ledger balance type in this field. This description can be longer then the ID but should not be too long. The purpose of this field is to provide a detailed description for the balance Type ID.
When you are finished, click OK to close the screens.
Note: It is strongly recommended that you do not add additional balance types nor delete any of the existing balance types that are shipped with the QuickFlora system.
Ledger Transaction Types
The Ledger Transaction Types screen displays a list of all the types of General Ledger transactions that the QuickFlora system uses when entering transactions into the General Ledger. This table is used to populate the drop down list for selecting the specific “type” of General Ledger transaction when entering transactions directly into the General Ledger.
To access the Ledger Transaction Type screen, click on Setup then General Ledger Setup then Ledger Transaction Types. The QuickFlora system comes shipped with basic General Ledger transaction types already entered that are suitable for most businesses. During the Setup and Installation process, and as one of the items on the Setup Checklist, it is recommended that this screen be reviewed to ensure the transaction types entered meet the needs of the way your company does business.
Additional ledger transaction types can be entered by clicking the New button and entering data in the following fields:
Transaction Type ID: Enter the ID of the General Ledger transaction type. For example, if the General Ledger transaction type is an adjustment, the ID would be “Adjustment”.
Transaction Type Description: Enter the description of the General Ledger transaction type in this field. This description can be longer then the ID but should not be too long. The purpose of this field is to provide a detailed description for the Transaction Type ID.
When you are finished, click OK to close the screens.
Bank Information
An overview of the banking information and how the banking section works within the system. You can store information about your company’s bank in this section.
Entering Bank Accounts
The Bank Accounts screen stores detailed information about each bank account a company has and the various banks the bank accounts are with. The bank account section is also used by the system to record deposits, print information on checks that are written, record checks written, and other transactions involving the bank accounts.
To access the Bank Accounts screen, from the main menu, select General Ledger then select Enter and View Bank Accounts. This will bring up a screen displaying a table with a list of all the bank accounts entered in the QuickFlora system that are entered for the Company you are logged in under.
Before, entering any bank accounts, please be sure to review and complete the Setup Checklist. There are several steps that need to be completed prior to setting up bank accounts, including setting up a separate General Ledger account for each bank account.
Creating a GL Account for the Bank Account
A General Ledger account must be created before setting up a bank account. Only ONE bank account can be assigned to ONE GL account, therefore a separate GL Asset account must be setup for each bank account in the system.
Keep in mind the numbering convention and GL Account types when creating a GL account for bank accounts. Please refer to the documentation on Chart Of Accounts for more information on setting up a new GL Account.
Creating the New Bank Account
To setup a new bank account, from the main Bank Account screen where the list is displayed, click New and a screen will be displayed with the fields ready to accept information about the bank account. Enter the information in the fields as follows:
Bank ID: Enter a Bank ID for this bank account. The Bank ID can be anything specific to your company, such as a reference to the type of bank account (operations, payroll, etc). The Bank D must be unique for each bank account.
Bank Account Number: Enter the bank account number for this account. This information appears on the checks printed by the system, so it is important to ensure the account number is accurate.
Bank Name: Enter the bank name for this account. This will appear on the checks printed by the system so it is important to include the full name of the bank as it should appear on a printed check.
Bank Address: Enter the complete address, city, state, zip, and country of the bank in the next few fields.
Bank Phone: Enter the phone number for the bank where the bank account resides.
Bank Fax: Enter the fax number for the bank where the bank account resides.
Bank Contact Name: Enter the name of the contact person at the bank for this bank account.
Bank Email: Enter the email for the bank or the bank contact person.
Bank Website: Enter the website address for the bank where this bank account resides.
Swift Code: Enter the swift code for this bank account. Swift codes are typically used to when receiving wire transfers.
Routing Code: Enter the routing code for this bank account. The routing code is displayed on checks printed by the system so it is important to ensure this data is accurate.
Currency ID: From the drop down list, select the currency used for this bank account.
Next Check Number: Enter the next check number that will be used by the system when printing checks.
Next Deposit Number: Enter the next deposit number that will be used for deposits for this bank account.
GL Bank Account: From the drop down list, select the General Ledger Account that was previously setup for this bank account.
Notes: Enter any notes about this bank account in this field.
Bank Transactions
The Bank Transactions Screen is where manual bank transactions would be entered that are not already entered in the system either through the normal procedures or bank reconciliation.
An example of a manual bank transaction that would be entered in this screen would be a miscellaneous cash deposit or withdrawal (such as petty cash). Bank service fees, interest charges, etc., are not entered on this screen since they are entered on the Bank Account Reconciliation Screen during the Bank Reconciliation process.
To access the Bank Transaction screen, from the main menu select General Ledger then select Enter and View Bank Transactions. This will bring up a screen displaying all the bank transactions that were manually entered into the system through this screen.
To enter a new bank transaction, click on the New button to bring up a blank screen with the following fields to enter the data for a specific bank transaction.
Bank Transaction ID: This field is automatically populated and the ID is automatically generated by the system when the transaction is saved. It cannot be edited.
Bank Document Number: If there is a bank document number (such as deposit slip receipt number, etc.) associated with the transaction you are entering, enter it in this field.
Cash Account: From the drop down list, select the General Ledger cash account for this transaction.
Offset Account: From the drop down list, select the offset General Ledger account for this transaction. For example, if the transaction being entered is for a withdrawal of Petty Cash, the cash account selected would be the cash account where the cash is being deposited or withdrawn and the offset account would be the Petty Cash Account.
Transaction Type: From the drop down list, select the transaction type for this transaction. This list is populated from the Bank Transaction Types
Transaction Date: Enter the date of the transaction in this field.
Currency ID: From the drop down list, select the Currency ID for this transaction.
Currency Exchange Rate: This field will be automatically populated once the Currency ID is selected in the previous field.
Transaction Amount: Enter the amount of the transaction in this field.
Beginning Balance: If this transaction is a manual entry to record a beginning balance in an account, check this box off. Otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
Reference: If there is any reference information (additional document numbers, etc.) associated with this transaction, enter the information in this field.
Notes: Enter any notes about this transaction in this field.
The Posted and Cleared check boxes are automatically completed by the system when the Bank Transaction is posted and when the transaction has been marked as “Cleared” during the bank reconciliation process.
When you are finished entering the bank transaction, click OK to save the transaction and return to the main Bank Transaction Screen. From there, you can enter a new transaction or go to the main screen.
Bank Transaction Types
The Bank Transaction Types screen displays a list of all the types of bank transactions that the QuickFlora system uses when entering Bank Transactions. This table is used to populate the drop down list for selecting the specific “type” of bank transaction when entering data on the Bank Transaction Screen.
To access the Bank Transaction Type screen, click on Setup then General Ledger Setup then Bank Transaction Types. The QuickFlora system comes shipped with basic bank transaction types that are suitable for most businesses. During the Setup and Installation process, and as one of the items on the Setup Checklist, it is recommended that this screen be reviewed to ensure that the transaction types entered meets the the way your company does business.
Additional bank transaction types can be entered by clicking the New button and entering data in the following fields:
Bank Transaction Type ID: Enter the ID of the bank transaction type. For example, if the bank transaction type is a wire transfer, the ID would be “Transfer”.
Bank Transaction Type Description: Enter the description of the bank transaction type in this field. This description can be longer then the ID but should not be too long, since it is used to populate other fields in other bank screens.
When you are finished, click OK to close the screens.
Bank Account Reconciliation
Bank Account Reconciliation is the process by which you compare the information in the company’s records with the statements provided each month by the bank for the bank account and balance the difference so that the bank’s records and the company’s records balance.
The QuickFlora system makes bank reconciliation an easy process. To access the bank reconciliation screen, from the main menu click General Ledger then click Banking then click Reconcile Bank Accounts. A screen will be displayed that contains the company’s bank accounts ready to be reconciled. If no bank accounts have been reconciled yet, then the default record will be displayed until the first bank reconciliation is entered.
Creating the Bank Reconciliation for the First Time
If a bank account to be reconciled does not appear on the Bank Reconciliation screen, then that account will need to be added to the screen. To do this, from the main Bank Reconciliation screen, click the New button. This will bring up a screen where you can select the bank account for the new bank reconciliation.
From the drop down list in the field Bank ID, select the name of the bank account that you are setting up the bank reconciliation for. The information will be automatically populated in the fields but you will not be able to edit it. This is only to confirm that the information is correct for the bank account selected and to add the information to the table in the system. Click CLOSE to save the newly created reconciliation and return to the Bank Reconciliation list and proceed to the next step, reconciling the bank account.
Reconciling Bank Accounts
Select the bank account from the Bank Reconciliation List to begin the reconciliation process.
After clicking the bank account to be reconciled, the Bank Account Reconciliation Detail screen is displayed. From this screen there are two separate screens displaying the debit and credit transactions for that bank account, fields on the main screen to enter service charges and adjustments to balance the account, and a display on the right showing the current balance in the company’s “books”.
The data displaying the company balances cannot be edited, it retrieves the information based on the balances in the system automatically.
There are four steps to reconciling a bank account. They should be completed in order to ensure accuracy of the bank reconciliation.
1. Review the previous bank reconciliation and retrieve the current bank statement
The first step is to ensure that the actual bank statement to be reconciled from the bank is available. Also, you may want to review the previous bank reconciliation before beginning a new bank reconciliation.
To review the previous bank reconciliation on an account, select General Ledger from the main menu, then View Bank Reconciliations. From that screen, all the bank reconciliations previously entered into the QuickFlora system can be reviewed. Further information about the Bank Reconciliation Summary Screen can be found in the corresponding documentation section.
2. Enter initial information from the bank statement
Next, enter the Reconciliation Start Date, Reconciliation End Date and the Ending Balance as shown on the Bank Statement. Detailed information about these fields and the remaining fields are listed below. Do not enter information into the other fields yet. They will be reviewed later in the reconciliation process. When you enter the amount in the Ending Balance field, you will notice that the box on the right side of the screen that says “Stmt Balance” is updated with the amount you just entered. This reflects the balance shown on the bank statement.
3. Compare and Clear Transactions with the Bank Statement
The third step in reconciling the bank account is to compare and clear all the debit and credit transactions on the company’s books with those that were processed by the bank and displayed on the bank statement. First, click the Credit button to display the screen listing the Credit Transactions. Review each transaction individually to ensure what is displayed on the screen and entered in the system corresponds with the bank statement. If the data corresponds, check off the box next to that transaction. This indicates that the transaction is accurate and has “cleared” the bank.
If the transaction is different then what is shown on the bank statement, then research needs to be done to find the difference and enter an adjustment to correct the error. If the transaction displayed in the system does not accurately match what is on the bank statement, then the transaction should not be checked off.
Note: If a transaction is not marked as “cleared” it will reappear on the next bank reconciliation.
As the transactions are checked off, the Company’s book balances displayed on the screen are automatically updated to reflect the current balance.
Once all the Credit transactions have been reviewed and cleared, click the Debit button to display the screen listing the Debit Transactions. As with the Credit transactions, review the list and check off each box if the transaction has cleared the bank. As the transactions are checked off, the Company’s book balances displayed on the screen are automatically updated to reflect the current balance.
When you are finished selecting the Debit transactions, click the Main button to return to the main bank reconciliation screen.
4. Enter additional transactions if needed
The last step in the Bank Reconciliation process is to enter any transactions that appear on the bank statement but have not been recorded in the system on the company’s records. These transactions may include service charges, interest, or other charges and adjustments. Enter each amount in the field on the main screen, and select the GL Account where the transaction should be posted. Further information on each field is listed in detail below.
As with clearing the debit and credit transactions, when entering additional transactions in the respective fields, the book balance display is automatically updated.
5. Posting the Bank Reconciliation to the GL
When you are finished working with the bank reconciliation and ready to post the transactions to the General Ledger, click the Post button to post the bank reconciliation to the GL. Posting the bank reconciliation to the GL record the service charge transactions, adjusting entries (if any) and additional transactions entered during the bank reconciliation process. You can print the bank reconciliation at any time by clicking the Print button.
Note: You must click the post button to post the bank reconciliation to the General Ledger and record the adjusting transactions entered for the bank account.
Main Section Fields
Bank ID: This field is automatically completed based on the Bank Account selected.
Reconciliation Start Date: This field is automatically completed by default to be 30 days prior to the date you are entering the bank reconciliation. This date should be changed to correspond with the statement start date shown on the bank statement.
Reconciliation End Date: This field is automatically completed with the present date that the bank reconciliation is being entered. This date should be changed to correspond with the statement end date shown on the bank statement.
Currency ID: This field displays currency that the bank account is in. This field is automatically selected based on the Currency ID selected in the Bank Account screen for the account being reconciled.
Currency Exchange Rate: This field displays the current currency exchange rate between the currency the bank account is in and the company’s default currency. This field is automatically completed based on the information entered in the currency exchange table.
GL Bank Account: This field is automatically selected based on the GL Bank Account selected in the Bank Accounts screen. It cannot be edited in this screen. If it needs to be changed, it has to be changed in the Bank Accounts screen.
Ending Balance: Enter the ending balance from the Bank Statement. The ending balance according to the company’s books is displayed in a separate column on the right side of the screen in the field called End Book Balance.
Service Charge: If there is a service charge charged by the bank that has not been entered on the company’s books, enter that amount in this field.
GL Service Charge Account: From the drop down list, select the GL Service Charge Account to record the bank service charge.
Interest: If there was interest earned that appears on the bank statement but has not been entered on the company’s books, enter that amount in this field.
GL Interest Account: If interest has been charged by the bank, select the GL Interest Account to record the interest charged.
Other Charges: Enter any other charges appearing on the bank statement that are not entered on the company’s books in this field.
GL Other Charges Account: From the drop down list, select the GL Other Charges Account to record the Other Charges.
Adjustments: If an adjustment needs to be entered, enter that amount in this field.
GL Adjustment Account: Enter the GL Adjustment Account to record the adjustment entered in the previous field.
Notes: Enter any notes about this bank reconciliation in this field.
Bank Reconciliation Summary
The Bank Reconciliation Summary screen displays a list of all the bank reconciliations that were entered into the system. To access this screen, from the main menu, click General Ledger then click View Bank Reconciliations. A screen is displayed listing all the bank reconciliations with the Reconciliation ID, General Ledger Account Name, Ending Date for the bank reconciliation and Bank Account Balance.
To view a specific bank reconciliation, click on the one you wish to look at. A screen will be displayed containing the details of that bank reconciliation.
When you are finished, click OK to close the screens.
Fixed Assets
Fixed Asset Processing
QuickFlora allows you to enter and track fixed assets in the system using the Fixed Assets tables and forms in the system. The system will also calculate depreciation for these assets.
Fixed Asset Types
The Asset Types screen displays a list of all the types of Fixed Assets in the QuickFlora system. This table is used by the system to classify a company’s fixed assets into types.
To access the Asset Type screen, click on Setup then General Ledger Setup then Asset Types. The QuickFlora system comes shipped with basic Asset types that are suitable for most businesses. During the Setup and Installation process, and as one of the items on the Setup Checklist, it is recommended that this screen be reviewed to ensure that the Asset types entered meets the way your company does business.
Additional Asset types can be entered by clicking the New button and entering data in the following fields:
AssetType ID: Enter the ID of the Asset type. For example, if the Asset type is Automobiles, the ID would be “Automobiles”.
Asset Type Description: Enter the description of the asset type in this field. This description can be longer then the ID but should not be too long.
When you are finished, click OK to close the screens.